Fall/Winter Hours 2024/2025

September - June

Monday & Wednesday 1-6 p.m. 

Saturday morning 9:00-1:00

Scroll down the page to find out more about these topics:

Next Mildred Horton Book Group - Monday, April 28*, 2025, not April 21 as listed in the April Blizzard.  Come pick up a copy of Stony the Road for the May 12 discussion. More information below.

Winter/Spring Series - CSI: New England. "Frances Glessner Lee"  April 2, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. Plus a special hands on forensic lab at the White Mountains Community College on April 3.

April 16 at 6:30 p.m. - Author AMY WIGHT CHAPMAN - in person.

The Seven Contest is now open. Entry form and info below.

New STEAM Kits available.

Thank you to the Friends of the RPL for purchasing these 7 new Folkmanis Puppets for the Children's Room.

Have you seen or heard any of these animals in Randolph.


The Randolph Public Library Book Discussion

MAY 12, 2025 at 10:00 a.m.

Copies of the book are available now at the Library.


Stony the Road: Reconstruction, White Supremacy, and the Rise of Jim Crow, written by The Harvard historian and PBS Finding Your Roots host lays bare the mortal struggle for the soul of the nation between defenders of Jim Crow America and Black resistors to white supremacy. An essential tour through one of America’s fundamental historical tragedies, Stony the Road is also a story of heroic resistance, as figures such as W. E. B. Du Bois and Ida B. Wells fought to create a counternarrative, and culture, inside the lion’s mouth. Gates’s inspired telling exposes crucial years in American history, and offers much to inform us about today's cultural and political divides.

This discussion is provided through a grant by: Perspectives Book Groups:    A partnership program from New Hampshire Humanities and the Center for the Book at the NH State Library.

Discussion Facilitator:

Mary C. Kelly, Ph.D., Professor of History at Franklin Pierce University, where she has taught for twenty-five years, will be leading our discussion via Zoom. She previously led a discussion in 2023 and we are pleased to welcome her back.

This is the last meeting of the Mildred Horton Book Group for this year. Please join us.

Refreshments will be served.







Go to our Library Catalog:    https://randolph.goalexandria.com/

You can search for specific titles, authors or subjects by using the Search feature.

You can browse, by choosing the BROWSE feature.

Once you find what you would like,you can log into your account and place a hold, send us an email, or give us a call.


Your username is your library card number. If you do not know what it is, send us an email or call to find out.

Your password is your last name. 

Once you place a hold(s), send the library an email and we will complete your order and let you know when it is ready for pickup. 

Email us at info@randolphnhpubliclibrary.or









Bobbi Lee Slossar, Technology Resource Librarian for the NH State Library has shared these Youtube tutorials on how to access downloadable audio and ebooks.


To use the online audio and ebooks from Overdrive, click on the RESEARCH tab at the top of the page. You will see it listed there. If you have not used it before, you will have to email the library to get your library card number which includes an access code. If you are a Randolph resident and do not have a library card, there is a link to an application at the top of the home page.

Be sure to look at the ALWAYS AVAILABLE titles on Overdrive. 

FOR BOOK GROUPS: Click here for a list of ebooks with multiple copies.





Go to our Library Catalog:    https://randolph.goalexandria.com/

You can search for specific titles, authors or subjects by using the Search feature.

You can browse, by choosing the BROWSE feature.

Once you find what you would like,you can log into your account and place a hold, send us an email, or give us a call.


Your username is your library card number. If you do not know what it is, send us an email or call to find out.

Your password is your last name. 

Once you place a hold(s), send the library an email and we will complete your order and let you know when it is ready for pickup. 

Email us at info@randolphnhpubliclibrary.or









Bobbi Lee Slossar, Technology Resource Librarian for the NH State Library has shared these Youtube tutorials on how to access downloadable audio and ebooks.


To use the online audio and ebooks from Overdrive, click on the RESEARCH tab at the top of the page. You will see it listed there. If you have not used it before, you will have to email the library to get your library card number which includes an access code. If you are a Randolph resident and do not have a library card, there is a link to an application at the top of the home page.

Be sure to look at the ALWAYS AVAILABLE titles on Overdrive. 

FOR BOOK GROUPS: Click here for a list of ebooks with multiple copies.




Thank you to the Friends of the Randolph Public Library!

The Library is thrilled with the addition of six STEAM Kits in the children’s room. Funds from the FRIENDS OF THE RANDOLPH PUBLIC LIBRARY have been used to purchase our first STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) kits which contain books and hands on learning activities for youth to check out or for use in the library. STEAM activities and programs are an excellent opportunity to introduce concepts and promote skills that can set you up for creative, scientific, and collaborative thinking now and in the future. Geared for grades K-4. They are ready to go, so come be the first to check them out.

New kits include:  All About Magnets, Green Energy, Machines and Contraptions, Math Games, My Amazing Body, and Yoga for Mindfulness.


New Books

North Woods
The Fraud
Heaven and Earth
Good night irene
How to know a person
A Madman
hour of the witch
before we were yours